Behavior and Viability of Third-Stage Larvae of Terranova sp. (Type HA) and Anisakis simplex (Type I) Under Coolant Conditions

This study reports effects of storage at cold temperatures on behavior and survival of third-stage larvae of Terranova sp. (type HA) and Anisakis simplex (type I) in marine fishes. Snappers, caught near the Hawaiian Islands, were examined to determine whether type HA and type I larvae could migrate from the viscera of ungutted fishes into edible musculature when maintained at 12, 8, and 0°C. Our data are suggestive that both type HA and type I larvae possess the ability to migrate. Temperatures of 12, 8, and 0°C had no noticable adverse affect on viability of both larval types within fish tissues; however, both larval types were extremely sensitive to temperatures below freezing. Death of both larval types encysted within Hawaiian snappers occurred by day 4 at −5°C and within 24 h at −10, −15, and −20°C. Other type I larvae, collected from fishes (Sebastes spp.) imported to Hawaii from the western Pacific, survived for slightly longer periods at −5, −10, −15, and −20°C when compared with type I larvae from Hawaiian fishes. Subjecting Hawaiian snappers to at least −20°C for 1 d and imported rockfishes to at least −20°C for 5 d is recommended to inactivate the living anisakines before ingesting any raw fish products.