Postgastrectomy and Postvagotomy Syndrome

Ten mongrel dogs were subjected to various types of gastric resection, gastro-enterostomy, pyloroplasty and vagotomy in an attempt to produce the postprandial syndrome. Only 1 dog developed symptoms of hypoglycemia and vomiting referable to the 2d phase of the postprandial syndrome. 7 dogs showed higher and more prolonged oral glucose-tolerance curves than pre-operatively. When transthoracic vagotomy was added to subtotal gastrectomy, the oral glucose-tolerance curves showed a further increase in one dog. The reported effect of olfactory or gustatory stimulation on blood sugar was not confirmed. Intraven. injn. of hypertonic fructose or Na2SO4 soln. caused a transient rise in the blood glucose. The dumping stomach, i.e., the early phase of the postprandial syndrome, did not occur in these dogs.