The Health Impact of Worksite Nutrition and Cholesterol Intervention Programs

Purpose.: To summarize and provide a critical review of worksite health promotion program evaluations published between 1980 and 1995 that address nutrition and hypercholesterolemia. The article discusses and critiques both intervention methods and research methodologies to identify the most effective strategies. Methods.: Core articles are 26 original, data-based studies that report on measures of health status, behavior, attitudes, and knowledge as outcomes of worksite nutrition and cholesterol interventions. Only work published since 1980 that clearly describes nutrition or cholesterol interventions and that includes identifiable nutrition-related outcomes is reviewed. The main search method was the same one used for this special issue; supplementary sources included those found in earlier reviews or identified through backward searches or expert contact. Summary of Important Findings.: Ten worksite nutrition education programs were reviewed and were categorized as group education, group education plus individual counseling/instruction, cafeteria-based programs, and group education plus cafeteria-based programs. Four of these were randomized studies, and one used the worksite as the unit of randomization and analysis. Sixteen worksite cholesterol programs were reviewed, in five categories: monitoring; individual counseling; group sessions or classes; mediated methods using print, audiovisual, telephone, and self-help kits; and combination approaches. Of these, eight were randomized controlled trials; most tested interventions for persons with elevated cholesterol levels, although four studies reported cholesterol education programs for the general employee population. Six large controlled trials of worksite nutrition and cholesterol interventions in progress are also described. Major Conclusions.: The conclusions that can be drawn from this review are limited by the study designs used, which often lacked control groups, used nonrandomized designs, or relied on self-selected high-risk or volunteer participants. Our rating for the quality of the evidence in the literature as a whole lies between suggestive and indicative. It is clear that worksite nutrition and cholesterol programs are feasible and that participants benefit in the short-term. Conclusive evidence about a causal relationship between worksite nutrition and cholesterol programs and improved behavior or health is not yet available, although studies currently underway hold promise for providing more solid evidence about the potential efficacy of these interventions.

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