Monte Carlo calculation of electron impact ionization in bulk InAs and HgCdTe

We present calculations based on an ensemble Monte Carlo simulation of the electron impact ionization rate in bulk InAs and Hg0.70Cd0.30Te at 77 K. The Monte Carlo calculation includes an analytic nonparabolic model of the conduction band, all of the dominant scattering mechanisms, and a nonparametrized model of the impact ionization rate. Calculations are first made of the ionization rate in bulk InAs and are compared to both experiment and previous Monte Carlo investigations. Updated material parameters are used as well as calculated values of the threshold energy and the ionization probability in the InAs simulation. Good agreement with previous Monte Carlo studies is achieved. Using a similar model, the electron ionization rate in bulk Hg0.70Cd0.30Te is studied. To our knowledge, this is the first study either theoretically or experimentally of electron impact ionization in long wavelength (5 μm) band‐gap HgCdTe.