Determination of the noise source parameters in AlInAs/GaInAs HEMT heterostructures based on measured noise temperature dependence on the electric field

The noise temperature dependence on the electric field in an AlInAs/GaInAs HEMT heterostructure has been measured. It was found that the dependence of the noise temperature on the electric field in GaAs MESFETs and in AlInAs/GaInAs HEMTs are remarkably different. For this reason a different model must be used for AlInAs/GaInAs HEMTs. Based on the measured noise temperature dependence on the electric field, am analytic noise model for the AlInAs/GaInAs HEMT has been developed. The noise source parameters were calculated and compared with extracted noise source parameters from noise measurements Author(s) Bergamaschi, C. Lab. for Electromagn. Fields & Microwave Electron., Swiss Federal Inst. of Technol., Zurich, Switzerland Patrick, W. ; Baechtold, W.