Samples of aleurone layer were prepared from wheat bran by a non‐aqueous method and extracted with (i) water, (ii) 1 M‐sodium chloride solution, (iii) 0.04 M‐hydrochloric acid and (iv) 0.04 M‐sodium hydroxide solution. The amounts of protein in the extracts were measured and the extracted materials examined by the Scanning Electron Microscope. The results showed that the walls of the aleurone cells were not impermeable to the protein of the cell contents, since substantial amounts were extracted by all of the media. Comparison of the S.E.M. micrographs with those of unextracted material, together with the protein extraction results, showed that although alkali extracted more protein than did acid, it did not affect the aleurone granules, which were solubilised by acid. This evidence could not be reconciled with the widely‐held view that aleurone grains are composed of protein.