A Novel Electron-Beam Exposure Epitaxy for Growing GaAs Films on Fluoride/Si Structures

A novel heteroepitaxy technique, which we call electron-beam exposure epitaxy (EBE-epitaxy), has been employed in growing GaAs films on CaF2/Si(111) structures. In this method, prior to the growth of GaAs films, the surfaces of CaF2 are exposed to an electron-beam under impingement by arsenic fluxes. It has been found that thin GaAs films with excellent crystallinity and smooth surfaces can be obtained on the CaF2/Si(111) structures. It has also been found that mixing of regular (type A) and rotationally twinned (type B) crystallites does not occur in the films, but that they show preferential and dominant type A orientation which is identical to that of the CaF2.