Cytokinin Effects on Growth of Quiescent Tobacco Pith Cells

Excised pith tissue from Nicotiana glauca or the tumor-prone hybrid N. glauca × N. langsdorffii has no growth requirement for exogenous cytokinins. Addition of kinetin to cultures of these lines results in growth inhibition at a kinetin concentration 1000-fold lower than the optimal level for kinetin-requiring lines. Cytological comparison of the kinetin-inhibited 2N hybrid and glauca tissues with pith from the kinetin-requiring N. tabacum var. Wisconsin 38 suggests that the nature of the cytokinin action is similar in both situations and that the primary function of cytokinin, when it stimulates growth, may be to curtail cell expansion, thereby facilitating a balance of cell expansion and division requisite for maximal growth.