Sensitin was prepared from various strains of mycobacteriaandnocardiae, including strains of Mycobacterium phlei, M. fortiutum, M. rhodochrous, M. scrophulaceum, and Nocardia brasiliensis; 3 strains of N. asteroides, and one strain of N. intracellu-laris. The specificity differences between these preparations and a series of previously prepared mycobacterial sensitins were studied by intradermal tests on guinea pigs sensitized with the various strains. In the majority of the cultures, classification of the strains on the basis of sensitin specificity was in agreement with classification by other methods. A previously unclassified strain isolated from a Danish patient was identified as M. scrophulaceum, and 3 strains also isolated from patients in Denmark as M. fortuitum. The slight differences in specificity of avian tuberculin and Battey sensitin observed previously were confirmed. N. intracellularis sensitin could not be distinquished from Battey sensitin. Classification of 3 strains of N. asteroides and 2 strains of N. brasiliensis was confirmed by this method, and 3 other Nocardia strains apparently belonged to other species.