Brillouin spectroscopy of incommensurate Ba2NaNb5O15 at its 105-K phase transition

We have performed Brillouin studies of acoustic-phonon behavior in barium sodium niobate above and below its phase transition at T0=105 K. Anomalies in sound velocity and attenuation are observed for the sound waves corresponding to the C11 and C22 elastic coefficients. Above T0 the sound-velocity anomalies display lambda-shaped dips of algebraic form Vjj(T) =Vjj(∞)-β/(T-TC), with TC several degrees lower than the actual transition temperature T0; this is the form expected for free energies dominated by linear coupling between strain and the order parameter. Below T0, Vjj(T)=Vjj(∞)-β’/(Tc-T The attenuation displays an increase of approximately 100% as the transition temperature is approached from above or below. By combining sound-velocity and attenuation data through a Landau-Khalatnikov approach, we are able to extract a single relaxation time and find that this time τ satisfies the expected mean-field dependence characteristic of critical slowing down: τ1(T)=τ11(T-TC)/TC+τ21.

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