The hydrolysis of potato starch by 1‐N H2SO4/30% ethanol aqueous solution at 45°C increased linearly with increasing of hydrolysis time for 14 d. The relative crystallinity of native starch showed 0.343 and 0.350 by symmetrical reflection and transmission techniques, resp. The increasing ratio of relative crystallinity to hydrolysis time corresponded very closely with that of 1/hydrolysis residue up to 14 d. These facts suggest that only the amorphous region of the starch granules will be hydrolyzed by the acid. By differential scanning calorimetry the calorimetric enthalpy of potato starch containing about 200% moisture content was found to stay largely unchanged by acid treatment for 6 d. The swelling power at 70° and 80°C of potato starch reached to the minimum value and, moreover, from the gel‐chromatogram patterns of the acid‐treated starches, the crystalline region of the starch granules may begin to deteriorate slightly by acid treatment for more than 6 d, although the relative crystallinity by the X‐ray diffraction method increased slightly with passing of hydrolysis time.