Diverticular disease of the colon in Japan a review of 615 cases

Of 615 patients with diverticular disease of the colon, 429 had diverticula in the cecum and ascending colon, 98 in the sigmoid and descending colon and 88 in both the right- and left-side colon. The right-sided type was, more common in younger people and more predominant in men, whereas the left-sided type was more common in the elderly and showed no difference in numbers between men and women. More than 50 per cent of patients were asymptomatic, and 25 per cent complained of disturbed bowel function. The frequency of diverticulitis was not related to location, but to the number of diverticula. Seventy-seven were complicated by acute inflammation (right-sided diverticulitis, 61, and left-sided diverticulitis, 16). Many patients with right-sided diverticulitis improved with medical treatment and the operative procedure of choice was drainage of the inflamed area with supplemental appendectomy.