Effective mass of conduction electrons inCd1xMnxTe

Electron cyclotron resonance in Cd1xMnxTe (x=0, 0.064, 0.097, 0.11) has been studied in high magnetic fields up to 150 T at photon energies in the range 44–117 meV. We found that the band-edge effective mass of the conduction electrons increases significantly with the Mn concentration. For comparison with the experimental results, the conduction-band Landau levels were calculated by means of the eight-band Pidgeon-Brown model taking into account the s(p)d exchange interaction. The increase of the band gap due to the Mn ions alone is not sufficient to explain the observed enhancement of the mass. A possible reason for the mass enhancement is an effect of the spd hybridization. We also found that the electron mass decreases significantly with decreasing temperature. A large spin splitting of the Landau levels due to the exchange field qualitatively explains the relative temperature dependence of the mass.