Conical emission as a result of pulse breakup into solitary waves

We report computational results that show that the conical emission observed when a nearly resonant laser pulse propagates through an atomic vapor is the result of the breakup of the pulse into solitary waves. For an incident pulse with a radial as well as a temporal profile, the crests and troughs of the two-dimensional solitary waves are curved in a time-radius plane. The temporal modulation associated with pulse breakup appears as Rabi sidebands in the spectrum, while the curvature of the solitary waves in the time-radius plane results in a transverse spatial modulation that leads to conical emission in the far field. These results were obtained by performing detailed numerical calculations of the time-dependent paraxial propagation of a cylindrically symmetric laser pulse through a vapor of two-level atoms under the rotating-wave and slowly-varying-envelope approximations in the limit of no collisional damping or Doppler broadening. Our results can be interpreted readily in terms of optical nutation on the Bloch sphere and in terms of noncollinear phase matching through the curvature of the solitary waves rather than through additional parametrically generated waves. We find that self-focusing is not required for the generation of conical emission, although it would be difficult to separate these effects experimentally.