Soft X-Ray Photoemission

A Boltzmann matrix equation has been applied to the problem of photoemission for soft x-rays. Electron scattering, energy loss, and secondary electron production are treated in detail. Electron processes modeled are elastic scattering, plasmon excitation, conduction band ionization, inner shell ionization, and Auger electron production. Photoemission results are presented for aluminum for a series of narrow Gaussian photon distributions from 0.5 to 10 keV and for a 50 kVP (kilovolt potential) Bremsstrahlung spectrum. The yields are presented in differential and cumulative form versus electron energy down to 0.05 keV. The yields for the Gaussian and the Bremsstrahlung spectra are compared with data and indepedent calculations. Agreement over most of the energy range available for comparison is within 20%.