THIS REPORT deals with rationalization for the use of, and results obtained in the treatment of, certain phases of lupus erythematosus by the administration of massive amounts of pantothenic acid (calcium and sodium salts, and the alcohol thereof) and vitamin E. Patients who had chronic discoid, disseminated discoid, and subacute disseminated lupus erythematosus were studied. Maintenance therapy of patients with acute disseminated lupus erythematosus controlled by steroid hormones was likewise studied. Results were reported on the basis of preliminary study in 1951.1Confirmation of these results after further study and additional data follow. RATIONALIZATION FOR THE USE OF PANTOTHENIC ACID COMBINED WITH VITAMIN E Pantothenic Acid Much research has been done (and continues) to establish the role of pantothenate as a vitamin and the metabolic functions of pantothenic acid.2Symptoms of nutritional deficiency of pantothenate reveal "only the lack of a substance fundamental