Avg. endogenous true creatinine (ETC) excretion was 34.7 [mu]g./kg./ min., S. D. [plus or minus] 2.95 in 34 adult male rabbits and was unaffected by water diuresis or withdrawal of food for 24 hrs. Avg. plasma ETC concn. in 22 rabbits was 10.66 [mu]g./ml., S. D. [plus or minus] 1.75, range 8.07-14.8 [mu]g./ml. Avg. plasma clearance of ETC was 3.17 ml./kg./min. in 22 animals, S. D. [plus or minus] 0.49 and was unaffected by diuresis. There was little or no correlation between ETC excretion rate and plasma concn. in different animals but a strong negative correlation between ETC clearance and plasma concn. Comparison with published values for inulin and exogenous creatinine clearances indicates that ETC clearance is a valid measure of glomerular filtration rate in rabbits. The technical advantages of this method are stressed. Normal plasma ETC concn. is thought to be detd. mainly by the glomerular filtration rate.

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