A new source of large corrections in perturbative QCD, arising from gluon bremsstrahlung, is identified and studied. These corrections are different from the so-called π2 terms arising from loop graphs in the soft-gluon limit. In one case (the total cross section for e+ehadrons large terms to O(αs) from these two sources are shown to cancel each other, finally leaving a small correction. However, regarding the transverse-momentum (qT) distribution of πNl+l+X [subprocess qq¯γ*g, corrections to O(αs2)], the new source leads to a sizable K factor (∼2) that significantly improves agreement with experiment; also, our result gives a simple explanation of the fact that this K factor is weakly dependent on qT. In large-pT hadron production (subprocess qqqq) the new source leads to a large O(αs3) correction as well. For the deep Compton effect (subprocess qγqγ) no large corrections arise to O(αs). Complete higher-order QCD calculations, whenever available, are compared with our simple results and discussed.