The Effects of Stilbestrol Implants on Swine of Different Sexes

Three experiments were conducted to ascertain the effects of stilbestrol implants upon average daily gains, efficiency of gains, and certain carcass characteristics of growing-fattening swine of different sexes. Stilbestrol implants did not materially affect gains of either gilts or barrows but apparently caused a growth-depressing action upon young boars. The implants appeared to be without effect on the feed requirement for each hundred pounds of gain. The stilbestrol treated boars were fertile after having periodic implants made over a period of 107 days and manifested normal sexual behavior. Carcass studies indicated that stilbestrol implantation did not materially affect dressing percentage,thickness of back fat, carcass grade, or tenderness. The use of stilbestrol implants appeared to have little influence on organoleptic ratings of loin roasts and did not improve the eating qualities of meat from boars. Copyright © . .