We propose a new method for the precise determination of |Vtd/Vub| from the ratios of branching ratios B(Bρνν¯)/B(Bρlν) and B(Bπνν¯)/B(Bπlν). These ratios depend only on the ratio of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) elements |Vtd/Vub| with little theoretical uncertainty, when very small isospin breaking effects are neglected. As is well known, |Vtd/Vub| equals (sinγ/sinβ) for the CKM version of CP violation within the standard model. We also give in detail analytical and numerical results on the differential decay width dΓ(BK*νν¯)/dq2 and the ratio of the differential rates dB(Bρνν¯)/dq2/dB(BK*νν¯)/dq2 as well as B(Bρνν¯)/B(BK*νν¯) and B(Bπνν¯)/B(BKνν¯).