Measured intrinsic defect density throughout the entire band gap at the Si/SiO2interface

Conductance-frequency measurements down to temperatures of 100 K have been performed on both p-type and n-type silicon oxidized in dry oxygen at 900 degrees C. The metal electrode capacitors used were not given a post-metallization anneal in forming gas. This has allowed measurements of the intrinsic density of states, capture cross section, and surface potential fluctuations to within 0.06 eV of the band edges. Two peaks in the defect density at energies of 0.3 eV and 0.85 eV above the valence band are clearly visible above an asymmetric background, which rises rapidly towards the conduction band edge. The capture cross section is near constant at approximately 1016 cm2 across the gap and independent of temperature. The surface potential fluctuations reveal a peak value of approximately 70 meV centred at 0.4 eV above the valence band superimposed on a constant background of approximately 40 meV. The authors attribute the peaks in the density of states to the amphoteric trivalent silicon Pb centres. The probable causes of the asymmetric background are either the tail of a defect peak centred around the conduction band edge, or states descending from the conduction band induced by stress within the oxide.