Fusion and nonfusion processes in reactions induced by 10-100-MeVLi6ions with Fe targets

Excitation functions and projected recoil ranges for radioactive nuclei produced in the Li6 bombardment of Fe54 an Fe56 targets over 10 to 100 MeV energy range have been measured using the activation technique. At 55 and 85 MeV differential ranges have also been measured for the Fe56 target. Using the in-beam gamma-ray technique production cross sections for many residual nuclei were measured for the Li6 + Fe56 system for a Li6 energy range of 55 to 99 MeV. Close to 90% of the optical model reaction cross section is observed over the entire energy range. About 80% of the observed cross section corresponds to statistical evaporation of the compound nucleus. Above about 30 MeV Li6 energy Fe56(Li6,α)Co58 transfer process can explain the observed behavior of recoil ranges. It contributes about 300 mb to the production of various nuclei reached through evaporation decay of Co58. Pre-equilibrium nucleon emission appears to be noticeable above 60 MeV and contributes 100 mb to the production process at 80 MeV. A reasonable account of the observed cross section for various product nuclei is given by the predictions of the fusion-evaporation model. In its fusion characteristics the Li6 projectile appears to behave very much like other light heavy ions.