Effects of Orally Administered Diethylstilbestrol and a Fermentation Product on Growing-Finishing Swine1

Three experiments have been conducted to study the effects of orally administered stilbestrol on growing swine when fed at two dietary levels with and without antibiotic supplementation. A fermentation product was also studied. Although statistical treatment indicated a significant interaction was obtained from the combination of high level stilbestrol and the antibiotic in Experiment I, this effect was not confirmed by the results of Experiments II and III. The feeding of stilbestrol in combination with an antibiotic in Experiments II and III resulted in no greater growth response than was obtained with the antibiotic alone. Antibiotic supplementation produced a consistent growth response. Feeding stilbestrol at the levels employed in these experiments apparently had no consistent growth stimulating effect. A trend toward more efficient feed utilization was noted in those lots receiving the combination of high level stilbestrol and antibiotic in all instances. The addition of 3% fermentation solubles to the basal ration produced no supplementary effect; however, the addition of 6% fermentation solubles resulted in a significant decrease in average daily gain. Copyright © . .