Dispersion relation approach to the x-ray edge problem

We present a dispersion relation formulation of the open-line amplitude for the x-ray edge problem within the contact potential model. Using both multiple-scattering and determinant techniques, we find that to a very good approximation the many-body effects can be described within a single-particle transition-rate expression using a renormalized matrix element. This renormalized matrix element may be expressed exactly in terms of a frequency integral over the scattering phase shift for the core-hole potential. There are small corrections to the transition rate due to multiple particle-hole-pair final states, and a systematic series expansion for these is presented. This series is summed at threshold to yield an exact expression for the critical amplitude multiplying the power-law singularity. Our analytic results given an exact description at threshold and are shown to be quite accurate away from threshold. Comparison with the asymptotic expression of Nozières and De Dominicis is made.