Levels of the four lowest two-particle configurations inPo210studied by in-beamγ-ray and conversion-electron spectroscopy with the209Bi(t,2n) reaction

We have used the Bi209(t,2n)210Po reaction with standard in-beam γ-ray and conversion-electron spectroscopic techniques to study the two-proton states in Po210. With the possible &, all states of the proton h9/22, h9/2 f7/2, f7/22, and h9/2 i13/2 configurations have been identified. The level energies agree within 100 keV, typically, with results from shell-model calculations. Relative intensities of M1 and E2 γ transitions from the h9/2 f7/2 and f7/22 configurations are compared with calculated intensities. Published experimental single-proton transition matrix elements were used for the calculations, which were performed both for pure and for mixed states. The results indicate admixture amplitudes of only a few percent or less into the main components of the wave functions.