This paper presents an analytic potential model for long-channel symmetric and asymmetric double-gate (DG) MOSFETs. The model is derived rigorously from the exact solution to Poisson's and current continuity equation without the charge-sheet approximation. By preserving the proper physics, volume inversion in the subthreshold region is well accounted for in the model. The resulting analytic expressions of the drain-current, terminal charges, and capacitances for long-channel DG MOSFETs are continuous in all operation regions, i.e., linear, saturation, and subthreshold, making it suitable for compact modeling. As no fitting parameters are invoked throughout the derivation, the model is physical and predictive. All parameter formulas are validated by two-dimensional numerical simulations with excellent agreement. The model has been implemented in Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis version 3 (SPICE3), and the feasibility is demonstrated by the transient analysis of sample CMOS circuits.

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