The effect of toxic lathyrus factor beta-aminopropionitrile (BAPN) and of anabolic steroid 17- ethyl-19-nortesterone ("Nilevar") on the 35S uptake by the healing fractures of rats'' humeri was studied. The radioactivity of callus (C) in fractured humerus and in shaft of intact (I) humerus was recorded, one, two and three weeks after fracture, and C/I ratio calculated. BAPN diet resulted in the decrease of C/I ratio as compared with normal control. In rats treated with "Nilevar", C/I ratio was higher than that in both normal control and BAPN fed animals. It is apparent that BAPN inhibits and "Nilevar" promotes those processes of healing of bone which are associated with changes in connective tissue mucopolysaccharides and which may be studied by 35S uptake method.