Comparison of High-Transverse-Momentum π0 Production from π, K, p, and p¯ Beams

We compare high-transverse-momentum (P) inclusive π0 production from π, K, p, and p¯ beams, at 100 and 200 GeV/c, for center-of-mass (c.m.) angles ranging from 2° to 115° and P<4.5 GeV/c. The ratio σ(ppπ0X)σ(πpπ0X) decreases with increasing P, and changes dramatically with c.m. angle. Also, the ratios σ(Kpπ0X)σ(πpπ0X) and σ(p¯pπ0X)σ(ppπ0X) are approximately constant. These measurements are consistent with a theoretical viewpoint in which constituents of the incident hadrons undergo a hard-scattering subprocess.