Parent‐of‐origin specific effects on the methylation of a transgene in the zebrafish, Danio rerio

We have examined the inheritance of a transgene locus in the zebrafish, Daniorerio and demonstrated that its methylation is af fected by the sex of the parent contributing the allele. This parent‐of‐origin effect on the zebrafish transgene appears to be identical to imprinting as seen in mammals except that in zebrafish, passage of the locus through a female tended to decreased its methylation, whereas passage through a male increased it. Methylation of the transgene in gametic tissues differed from somatic tissue with the locus being hypomethylated in sperm and hypermethylated in the unfertilized egg. The potential identification of imprinting in the zebrafish has important ramifications with respect to the evolution of the process as well as for understanding the role of imprinting in mammals.