Model for Branch Initiation in Aspergillus nidulans Based on Measurements of Growth Parameters

The rate of hyphal elongation and the number of branches per hypha were measured on short sporelings of Aspergillus nidulans growing at different rates. The rate of elongation was proportional to total length in unbranched and branched hyphae. At each growth rate, the number of branches per hypha increased with increasing length and gave approximately straight-line graphs when plotted against length. The average number of branches per unit of hyphal length was quite different for the various growth rates and increased in direct proportion to the growth rate. The results are interpreted to mean that (i) growing tips have a maximum rate at which they can elongate and which is reached at hyphal lengths characteristic of the particular growth rate and (ii) a new branch is formed when the capacity of the hypha to elongate exceeds that of the existing tips.