Giant dipole resonance inO17observed with the (γ,p) reaction

The giant dipole resonance (GDR) in O17 has been studied with the reaction O17(γ,p)16N from Eγ=13.50 to 43.15 MeV using quasimonoenergetic photons. The measured cross section shows major peaks at 15.1, 18.1, 19.3, 20.3, 22.2, 23.1, 24.4, and ∼26.5 MeV. The intermediate structure in the main GDR region is remarkably similar to that observed in O16, indicating that the valence neutron outside the doubly magic O16 core perturbs the core-excited states minimally, in support of the weak-coupling hypothesis. We correlate the trends in GDR structure of O16,17,18 with changes in ground-state properties related to static deformation. The (γ,p) reaction selects strength predominantly from two-particle–one-hole configurations formed via E1 transitions from the 1p1/2 subshell; comparison with other reactions (photoneutron and radiative capture) provides information on the microscopic structure of E1 states. The peak observed near threshold at 15.1 MeV is remarkably strong; we infer that it originates from photoexcitation of a few narrow T=3/2 states and that M1 transitions contribute to the measured strength. The total absorption cross section is approximated by summing the (γ,p) cross section and the previously published photoneutron cross section; comparison with particle-hole shell-model calculations shows that the main cross-section features, including isospin distribution, are well predicted. Evidence is found for isospin splitting in O17. Systematics of the integrated cross sections for the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotopes are delineated.