Measurements were made to define a normal range of conc. and mobilities of plasma protein components in the Na diethylbarbiturate buffer system 0.1 N NaV-0.02 N HV (pH = 8.6 at 25[degree]C). Calculations of conc. and mobilities were made from avgs. of measurements made on ascending and descending electrophoretic patterns. The following avg. values and standard deviations were obtained for the ratios of component area to total area: albumin[long dash]0.603 [plus or minus] 0.028, [alpha]1[long dash]0.046 [plus or minus] 0.007, [alpha]2[long dash]0.072 [plus or minus] 0.013, [beta][long dash]0.121 [plus or minus] 0.019, [image][long dash]0.051 [plus or minus] 0.006, [gamma][long dash]0.110 [plus or minus] 0.025. Conc. in g/100 ml., obtained by multiplying these ratios by total protein conc. from micro Kjeldahl, gave as avg. values: albumin[long dash]4.04 [plus or minus] 0.27, [alpha]1[long dash]0.31 [plus or minus] 0.051, [alpha]2[long dash]0.48 [plus or minus] 0.083, [beta][long dash]0.81 [plus or minus]0.126, [image][long dash]0.34 [plus or minus]0.059, [gamma][long dash]0.74 [plus or minus] 0.151. Mobilities in cm2/volt sec [CHI] 105 were: albumin[long dash]5.94 [plus or minus] 0.267, [alpha]1[long dash]5.07 [plus or minus]0.236, [alpha]2[long dash]4.08 [plus or minus]0.256, [beta][long dash]2.83 [plus or minus] 0.241, [image][long dash]2.14 [plus or minus]0.241, [gamma][long dash]1.02 [plus or minus]0.282. Albumin/globulin ratio avg. was 1.53 [plus or minus] 0.181 or approx. 2/3 the value obtained by simultaneous Na2SO4 fractionation with the Howe method. 12 measurements made on the plasma of 1 normal subject over 124 days showed approx. constancy of conc. of plasma protein components.