Vacuum ultraviolet absorption cross sections of SiH4, GeH4, Si2H6, and Si3H8

The vacuum ultraviolet absorption cross sections of SiH4, GeH4, Si2H6, and Si3H8 are reported for the wavelength region 107–220 nm using synchrotron radiation as a light source. Absorption maxima of these compounds were found at the exciting wavelengths of 115–119 nm. Broad peaks observed were mostly assigned as primarily Rydberg transitions of the σSiH and σSiSi bonding electrons to the 4s, 4p, and 4d orbitals. The absorption features of germane resemble those of monosilane. In the photoexcitation of monosilane, the emission of the SiH(Ã 2Δ→X̃ 2Π) transition was observed and its onset was found to be 132±2nm. The absorption spectrum of disilane showed five peaks. They were mostly assigned as 2a1g→4s, 2a1gnp(n=4−6) transitions and the strongest band was overlapped by 1eg→4d and 1eu→4p Rydberg transitions. In trisilane molecules three very weak and broad peaks were recognized and assigned as 3b2→4s, 4p and 4a1→4s, 4d Rydberg transitions. The strongest band was tentatively assigned as the superposition of 1a2→4d and 3a1→4p Rydberg excitations.

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