Magnetic Dipole Moments of the First 2+ States in Os192 and Pt192; Room-Temperature Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Measurement of the Os Hyperfine Field in Fe and Ni Hosts

The magnetic dipole moments of the first 2+ states in Os192 and Pt192 have been measured, using integral perturbed-angular-correlation (PAC) methods, to be μ=0.797±0.036μN and μ=0.90±0.11μN, respectively. Integral PAC measurements were performed using both Fe(Ir) and Ni(Ir) alloys, and it has been established that the Fe(Ir) alloy is not a suitable environment for a PAC experiment. Significantly, the results agree with the 2(ZA) hydrodynamical values, but differ appreciably from the predictions of the Kumar and Baranger pairing-plus-quadru-pole model. The room-temperature internal magnetic fields of Os187 in Fe and Ni lattices have been measured by steady-state NMR methods to be Hint(296°K)=1093.43±0.65 kOe and Hint(295°K)=282.3±1.0 kOe, respectively.