Transport Characterization of Schottky In-Plane Gate Al 0.3Ga 0.7As/GaAs Quantum Wire Transistors Realized by \twltibIn-Situ Electrochemical Process

The low-temperature transport properties of the novel Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs Schottky in-plane gate (IPG) quantum wire transistor realized by the in-situ electrochemical process were studied. The device showed good field-effect transistor (FET) characteristics with excellent gate control and complete pinch-off. Quantized conductance in the units of 2e 2/h was clearly seen at 4 K. The first plateau persisted up to 40 K. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation measurements showed an extremely weak dependence of the carrier density on the gate bias, indicating that the Schottky IPG controls the wire width without changing the sheet carrier density. Application of a magnetic field widened the conductance plateaus. Under harmonic approximation for the electrostatic confinement potentials, a subband spacing of \hbarω0=4–5 meV was obtained.