Energy and temperature dependences of dechanneling induced by displaced atoms

The dechanneling of H+ in the perfect (100) channel and the (100) channel containing displaced atoms in KCl were calculated by solving diffusion equation, for several temperature and incident energies. Two typical positions of the displaced atoms were treated: one displaced by 7a and the other by 3a towards the center of the channel, where a is the Thomas Fermi radius and is 1/13 of the distance between the center and the string. It was shown that the difference Δχ between the dechanneled fraction in channels with and without displaced atoms for the displacement of 7a depends on energy, E, and temperature, T, as E −1 and T 1 respectively, while the energy and temperature dependences of Δχ for the displacement of 3a are much weaker. It was pointed out that these differences in the energy and temperature dependences are indicative of the difference in the dechanneling in crystals involving interstitial type defects and that in crystals in which lattice is distorted. The experimental results reported in the literatures were discussed in view of the result of the present calculation.