Effets de la thyrocalcitonine sur I’excrétion rénale des phosphates, du calcium et des ions H+ chez I’homme

In normal subjects administration of thyrocalcitonin results in increased renal excretion of phosphates and Ca. The tubular reabsorption coefficient of phosphates is diminished. During phosphate perfusion, thyrocalcitonin diminishes the quality of phosphates reabsorbed and simultaneously reduces the coefficient of tubular reabsorption. These effects can be attributed to the decreased tubular reabsorption of phosphates and Ca, since the variations in glomerular filtration are not sufficiently great to account for then. The renal excretion of H+ ions is not modified in a reproducible manner. The same results were observed in 2 patients with hypo-parathyroidism and in one with hyperparathyroidism. Hyperphos -phaturia is independent of any modification in parathormone secretion. The effects of thyrocalcitonin on the renal excretion of phosphates could explain some modifications observed in the initial period of induced hypercalcemia in man.