Plasma Amino Acids and Cholesterol Following Consumption of Dietary Casein or Soy Protein in Minipigs

Numerous investigators have claimed that protein-induced differences in plasma cholesterol are mediated by differences in amino acid composition. We have explored whether the venous postprandial amino acid profile reflects differences in the amino acid composition of the protein consumed. Six adult Göttingen miniature pigs were fed a semisynthetic diet based on either casein or soy protein isolate. Frequent blood sampling was performed over a whole day after consumption of each diet for 6 wk. Postprandial plasma amino acid concentrations reached their maxima within the first 3 h. A group of eight protein amino acids (Met, Arg, Tyr, Val, Trp, Leu, Lys and Cys) exhibited the most marked and significant protein-dependent differences during this early postprandial phase, whereas Thr and His showed less marked differences. With one exception (Ser) all protein amino acids exhibited venous plasma concentration changes in qualitative accordance with their content in the dietary protein consumed. In quantitative terms, however, venous plasma amino acid changes were less marked than expected from the amino acid composition of the dietary proteins. We conclude that neither the considerable number of amino acids showing differences as reported herein nor the multitude of contradictory reports by others concerning single amino acids affecting serum cholesterol favor the hypothesis that one or several amino acid(s) cause protein-induced hypercholesterolemia.