Studies on glucosaminidase. 2. Substrates for N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase

The hydrolysis of ethyl, phenyl, o-and p-nitrophenyl and p-acetylphenyl N-acetyl-[beta]-glucosaminide by preparations of N-acetyl-[beta]-glucosaminidase from ram testis and sweet-almond meal has been investigated. The same enzyme is responsible for the hydrolysis of alkyl and aryl N-acetyl-[beta]-glucos-aminides. The effect of substituents in the benzene ring on Km and Vmax values was studied. p-Nitrophenyl N-acetyl-[beta]-glucosaminide has been selected as the most convenient and sensitive substrate for the estimation of N-acetyl-[beta]-glucosaminidase in crude or purified preparations.