Influence of experimental conditions on osteoblast activity in human primary bone cell cultures

Primary bone cell cultures were derived from human bone explants. Cellular activity was characterized by the alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity, osteocalcin, and type I and III collagen secretions in the supernatant. The determination of bone cell activity was performed in three different wells. No significant difference was noted between wells: the coefficient of variation was 8.0 + 2.9% for AP activity, 18.3 + 1.9% for osteocalcin secretion, and 22.5 + 14.3% for collagen. The AP activity and osteocalcin secretion significantly decreased with the number of passages: they were the highest after the first passage. Between each subject, the coefficient of variation was 85% for AP activity and osteocalcin secretion and 63 and 57% for type I and III collagen secretion, respectively. The AP activity did not differ with the age or sex of the donor. In contrast, osteocalcin secretion was significantly lower in females than in males. In males, osteocalcin significantly decreased with the age of the donor (r = −0.61; p <0.05). Cellular activity did not depend on the site of the biopsy. When bone explants from one donor were cultured in two different petri dishes, the activity of cells was similar in both dishes, except in one case. Primary cell cultures derived from human bone explants are the only model providing untransformed osteoblastlike cells of human origin. Because of the experimental conditions, some factors may have influenced the cellular activity and they must be taken into account to validate further in vitro studies.