Auditory Time Constants for Off-Frequency Forward Masking in Normal-Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Listeners

Previous research has shown that frequency-specific estimates of auditory time constants for recovery from short-term adaptation can be made using a fixed-probe forward-masking procedure (Nelson & Freyman, 1987) if the masker and the probe stimuli are at the same frequency. This study examines the validity of time-constant estimates for off-frequency forward-masking conditions in which the masker frequency is below (900 Hz) or above (1100 Hz) the probe frequency (1000 Hz). Fixed-probe-level temporal masking functions were obtained from four normal-hearing and four hearing-impaired listeners. Auditory time constants were estimated with iterative least-squares procedures to derive parameter values for an exponential model of recovery from forward masking. After appropriate corrections were made for attenuation to the maskers provided by the auditory filter centered at the probe frequency, recovery from forward masking produced by either off-frequency or on-frequency maskers could be described by a single time constant. That time constant was around 50 ms in normal-hearing listeners and was larger in those hearing-impaired listeners who demonstrated moderate hearing loss at the probe frequency.

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