Spore germination, colony development, and secondary metabolism in Penicillium brevicompactum: a radiogas chromatographic and morphological study

A study of the first 76 h of development of spores of Penicillium brevicompactum in batch-mode shake culture indicates that mycophenolic acid biosynthesis begins when the hyphae of germinating spores aggregate to form pellets. Supplies of mycophenolic acid so produced augment a pre-existing pool of the material that is associated with the dormant spore. Although acetate metabolism is active at all stages of development, incorporation of [1-14C]acetate into 2,4-dihydroxy-6-(1′,2′-dioxopropyl)benzoic acid, another secondary metabolite of the fungus, could not be demonstrated. The significance of these data are considered in terms of the function of mycophenolic acid and the substituted benzoic acid in the producing organism.