With the rapid evolution of integrated circuit (IC) technology to larger and more complex circuits, new approaches are needed for the design and verification of these very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. A large number of design methods are currently in use. However, the evolution of these computer aids has occurred in an ad hoc manner. In most cases, computer programs have been written to solve specific problems as they have exist and no truly integrated computer-aided desisn (CAD) systems exist for the design of IC's. A structured approach both to circuit desisn and to circuit verification, as well as the development of integrated design systems, is necessary to produce cost-effective error-free VLSI circuits. This paper presents a review of the CAD techniques which have been used in the design of IC's, as well as a number of design methods to which the application of computer aids has proven most successful. The successful application of design-aids to VLSI circuits requites an evolution from these techniques and design methods.

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