Iopamidol and Neural Tissue Metabolism A Comparative In Vitro Study

Metrizamide was the first water-soluble contrast medium with a neurotoxicity low enough to allow it to be used routinely in the entire subarachnoid space. However, neurologic complications are still observed in some patients following the use of metrizamide. The cause of this toxicity has not been established, but existing evidence suggests an interference with glucose metabolism. In previous studies, a depression in CO2 production in neural tissue slices was demonstrated when isotonic metrizamide was added but not isotonic iohexol. In addition to iohexol, there is another new, nonionic, monomeric, water-soluble CM, iopamidol, soon to be released for clinical use in the United States. Iopamidol, like iohexol, has shown fewer adverse reactions and seems to be safer for myelography than metrizamide. Direct comparative studies of iopamidol and iohexol are sparse and the cause of their toxicity is not yet understood. This study was performed to determine the effect of iopamidol on neural tissue glucose metabolism as compared with the effects of iohexol and metrizamide. Metrizamide decreased CO2 production in neural tissue slices by 23%. Iopamidol and iohexol did not produce significant depression. Moreover, this model could not demonstrate any significant difference between iopamidol and iohexol in direct comparisons. The new monomeric contrast media, iopamidol and iohexol, thus do not appear to interfere with glucose metabolism. Adverse reactions to these new media are most likely caused by other mechanisms.