Proton, deuteron, and helium implantation into GaAs and LiNbO3 for waveguide fabrication

Hydrogen and helium implantation into GaAs, LiNbO3, and other crystals has been shown to produce planar or channel waveguides via defects/damage and/or carrier removal or compensation. We have measured implanted depth distributions of 1H, 2H, and 4He in GaAs and LiNbO3 as functions of ion energy, ion fluence, substrate temperature, and annealing temperature using secondary ion mass spectrometry. We have studied the defect depth distribution for hydrogen‐implanted GaAs by transmission electron microscopy. We have determined the lateral spread of 1H and 2H ions implanted into GaAs by varying the angle of implantation; this relates to the increase in width of closely spaced parallel channel waveguides made using patterned masks.