Influence of Procyanidins on the Color Stability of Oenin Solutions

The aim of the present work was to specify the influence of the polymerization degree on the color stability of anthocyanins using model solutions under higher thermal conditions simulating rapid food aging. Results showed that an increase in polymeric degree improves the color stability of oenin. Solutions containing a catechin tetramer, purified from brown rice, displayed a remarkable stability. Flavanols as monomers, (+)-catechin and (−)-epicatechin, appeared to decrease stability with the formation of a xanthylium salt leading to yellowish solutions. For the dimers, procyanidin B2 and B3, different behaviors on red color stability have been observed corresponding to their different susceptibility to cleavage upon heating. In the presence of the trimeric procyanidin C2, the red color appeared more stable. However, the HPLC chromatograms showed a decrease in the amplitude of the peaks of oenin and procyanidin C2. Concomitantly, a new peak appeared with a maximal absorption in the red region. This newly formed pigment probably came from the condensation of oenin and procyanidin C2. Keywords: Oenin; anthocyanins; flavanols; procyanidins; condensed tannins; color stability; copigmentation; stacking; condensation; xanthylium; new pigment