Six liquids ranging from 1.80 to 0.0% casein were prepared by centrifuging a sample of milk. One fraction of sediment was reconstituted with water to contain 5.325% casein. Half of this suspension was diluted with an equal weight of water, and such dilutions repeated until 6 concentrations of sediment were obtained. Viscosities were measured at 15 temperatures from 4 to 70[degree]C. At each temperature in each of 4 series of 5 or 6 pairs of values for relative fluidity and casein concentration, the slope, d(o/o)dC, was calculated by least squares. Voluminosities were then calculated by the equation V=0.4 d(o/o'' /dC. Approximate average values of V ranged from 6.45 ml/g at 4[degree] C.to 2.24 ml/g at 70 C, when o''was the fraction containing least casein. Corresponding values when o was water were 5.42 and 2.95 ml/g.

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