A Small Dose of Soluble Alginate-Fiber Affects Postprandial Glycemia and Gastric Emptying in Humans with Diabetes

Seven men with well-controlled, non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes ingested on two different mornings, in random order, meals with or without a 5.0-g sodium alginate supplement (algaeisolate, 75% soluble fiber). The meals contained similar amounts of digestible carbohydrates, fat and protein. The gastric emptying rate of the meal containing sodium alginate, measured by detection of 51Cr mixed into the meals, was significantly slower than that of the fiber-free meal. Sodium alginate also induced significantly lower postprandial rises in blood glucose, serum insulin and plasma C-peptide. The diminished glucose response after the addition of sodium alginate could be correlated to the delayed gastric emptying rate induced by the fiber (rs = 0.92, P < 0.01).