Interface structure of ZnS/Si(001) and comparison with ZnSe/Si(001) and GaAs/Si(001)

The interface between ZnS and Si(001) has been studied with transmission electron microscopy. It was found that stacking faults were the dominant microstructural defect in the ZnS films. Higher-quality interfaces and better ZnS films were obtained when arsenic-terminated Si(001) surfaces were used as the substrate. It was also found that the stacking fault density was much lower and qualitatively different than for interfaces formed without an As monolayer. Stacking faults in only one of the two possible orientations were observed for ZnS grown on non-As-terminated Si(001). These results are compared with those for ZnSe on Si and GaAs on Si and it is concluded that lattice match does not play as large a role as does chemical compatability at the interface.