Production of fastH0atoms by strippingHions in gas and vapor targets

Measurements of the total charge-changing cross sections σ0 and σ+, are reported for H ions with energies in the range 30-200 keV incident on Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs gas or vapor targets. Measurements of σg+ and σg are reported for fast ground-state H0 atoms with energies of 30-200 keV incident on the same targets. Measurements are also reported on the fractional yields as a function of the target thickness for H ions with energies in the range 30-200 keV incident on a variety of targets. The neutral fraction increases, reaches a maximum value, F0max, and then decreases to the equilibrium fraction F0 as the target thickness increases from 0 to a very large value. Measurements of F0max, F0, and F are reported for H ions incident on a variety of targets.